Swift UI Day 5: Learning conditions

Today was a longer lesson! Time to learn:

  • How to check if a condition is true

  • How to check multiple conditions

  • How to use switch statements to check multiple conditions

  • Finally, the ternary conditional operator

I now know things such as if, else, && and also || - who knew! Not me (and probably not me in 30 minutes because I absolutely need to re-read some of this! I’m getting used to commenting notes inside Xcode for reference. It’s allowing me to firstly, remember how to comment and also - it’s helpful for when the tasks come up! Future me should be thankful.
I feel like things so far are making sense but I absolutely have to follow a long - there’s no way I’m writing things from scratch. I have found myself pausing the video as much as I can and writing ahead which I managed to do for some of the image below!